FREE Victim Impact Panel included with all DUI and Alcohol/Drug classes. You do NOT have to add the Victim Panel to your shopping cart. It will be included with the purchase of your class.
8 Hour Substance Relapse Class
16 Hour Substance Relapse Class
Click here for more Alcohol Drug Substance Abuse Classes Online
Our online DUI classes are a better choice for a Driving Under the Influence offense. Certificates can be customized with any title to meet the court order.
These classes meet requirements for court ordered alcohol or drug-related offenses such as minor in possession of alcohol, minor consumption of alcohol, possession of a controlled substance or possession of drug paraphernalia. Alcohol and Drug Awareness Courses required by employers or recommended by courts, judges, attorneys, probation and parole agencies. Please get approval from the court before enrolling. Please check state requirements before enrollment.
OPTIONAL: If you are required to attend a victims panel, the above classes include a FREE 60 minute Victims Impact Panel session. You will receive an additional certificate of completion for the Victims Impact Panel.
Tom Wilson, Director - Accreditations